sportS injury manAGEMENT
Whether you’re on your 10th marathon, or you’re just signed up for a gym membership, proper maintenance of your feet is essential. Injuries can happen on impact, or through repeated stress to an area. During your appointment your injury will be assessed comprehensively. This includes thorough assessment of your pathology, your injury history, footwear, as well as an assessment of your complete lower limb biomechanics and alignment. Using the information acquired from your assessment, a management plan is discussed with you and implemented.
The biomechanical and gait analysis will accurately assess your walking or running style, which may be used to help diagnose the cause of any existing problems, and often prevent future overuse syndromes that your current fitness program may predispose you to. Running efficiency is vital for injury prevention.
Identifying your foot type and the appropriate footwear to help you stay injury free, and we recommend that you bring in the shoes you wear in both your everyday life and while you’re participating in sporting activities. We will make recommendations for devices that are made specifically for your foot and your lower limb alignment needs.
Customized orthotics are very durable and are able to be constructed with the most precise and specific biomechanical adjustments and angles to have you functioning at your most efficient alignment injury free.